I'm sitting here at work, contemplating what the future holds in store for me. It gets me thinking about my spirituality and how by embracing my own unique Spirituality, I have grown and developed so much in the last few years.
The passion to serve others and assist them on their paths; as I myself have been assisted and guided, is a driving force for what I have achieved and where I plan on going in the future.
A few points of importance that I have come to understand.
One, there is a greater purpose to life, than any single moment can conjure. We to often determine ourselves by our past and circumstance. How often have we thought "I'm not good enough", or "I should know better", or even "Am I worth it." The question we should be asking ourselves at these times is "What can I learn from this?" or "What is this teaching me?" When we shift our perspective from our circumstances being an obstacle or barrier, and look at it rather as a challenge, then we can shift our thoughts and our perspective of ourselves to a higher level. Understanding that we are a spirit incarnated in a physical body to learn.
Along these lines, the second understanding I have come to, is to follow your own purpose or truth. Too often we live our lives through what we believe others expect of us. Unless these expectations embrace our beliefs and values, we will eventually learns interest in the path we are living. This is not to say that this is a negative. When we return to the first point, we can then look at the deviation from our own beliefs and values, away from our own truth, as a learning opportunity to discover what is most important to us in the future and how we might be able to achieve this future or at least make changes that better align with that truth.
The third and possibly the most important understanding I have come to, is the importance of honouring yourself. Whether you do this through self contemplation, prayer or meditation, this is totally up to you. For me, when I faced my epoch I decided I would be a different person all together. I decided to try all sorts of food I had never tried before, I put myself into uncomfortable situations to test myself, I learnt to do archery (which I absolutely love), as well as learning to play a variety of instruments (still very much a novice on the Kumbla, Guitar and Handpan); which I love using sound to heal myself. I began to align my life to my Spiritual truth that I hold dear to me and have begun to forge a life that is of the physical, but incorporates as much of the spiritual as a physical life can.
I daily meditate and this evolves in ever encompassing ways. Meditation has been a corner stone of my self development, as well as self healing after my marriage break up and losing my father in less than six months. I am committing myself to increase the amount of time spent in meditation as part of a workshop I am currently completing with my sister Kaylene Ledgar.
Thank you for read this far. It has been wonderful to introduce myself to you. If you would like to learn more, or connect with me for my Holistic Counselling practice, please drop me a message.
Until next time.
Take care and I'll catch you later.
John Ledgar HH Dip (H.C.)
Spiritual Healer
Holistic Counsellor
Spiritual Guide
John Ledgar-Spiritual Healer